Are you ready for hurricane season?
Join the Scavenger Hunt and find out!

Disaster Preparedness Supply List & Scavenger Hunt


Preparedness is a process and in order to be ready for hurricane season, we must check our supplies to make sure we have everything we need. With this activity, we will help you update your hurricane supplies, and build an emergency kit. When you’re finished, you will be well on your way to being Storm Strong!

For this activity you will need

Time – 20 - 30 minutes

Materials – Paper and pen or pencil


Step 1: Create your list

Using paper and pen or pencil, create a list of all the things you think you should have in your emergency kit.

Note: you may already have a kit like this in your house but don’t peek! Resist the urge to look at what's in it before you create this list.

Optional: make it a competition! Everyone in your family can create their own lists to find out who is thinking the hardest. For an added challenge, you can even set a timer (we recommend 5 minutes).

Step 2: Share it and compare it 

Share your list with your family and talk about what you listed and why. Plus, here are some things to think about and discuss:

  • What items did you have in common? 

  • What are some unique things that some family members thought of but others did not?

  • Why did you include some things and not others?

  • Did you think about your experiences with past storms when creating your list? If not, are there things you want to add after considering those past events? Add those things now!

Now, take a look at the list put together by the USVI Storm Strong Program (download it here).

  • Were there any items not on your list that you were surprised about?

  • Do the items that were not on your list fall into specific categories such as food/medical/household supplies, etc.?

  • Where do you usually go to get the supplies on your list?

  • Do you have all of these things already? 

  • How long would it take you to gather the supplies that you need?

Using your individual lists and the USVI Storm Strong List as a guide, create your family’s master list. 

Scavenger Hunt (optional)

Using your list, have an in-house scavenger hunt to gather all the materials into a bin or bucket for safe-keeping. Round-out your supply kit soon since hurricane season started June 1!

Take Home Messages

It’s easy to forget important hurricane preparedness items without a checklist - so keep one handy!

  • Make sure your hurricane supplies haven’t disappeared since the last hurricane season!

  • Try to keep the items in your kit just for your kit.

  • For food items: be sure to check these every year. Swap out items that have expired between seasons so you always have access to safe to-eat food during an emergency. 

  • Remember, you don’t have to purchase everything at once. Make a plan that fits your budget. Preparing early will give you extra time to acquire the things you need. Try to have all the items you need early in the hurricane season.

Share it

Share it with the USVI Storm Strong Program in one of the following ways: 

1. Email it to, 

2. Text it to 340-513-7203

3. Share it on social media with the hashtag #usvistormstrong2020 and tagging us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter


Visit this preparedness guide for more resources on what to do before, during, and after a storm

Download the USVI Storm Strong Hurricane Supplies Checklist.